Pages: 16-22
Anemia in elderly patients–Etiology and morphologies in northern region of India
Anil Batta
Category: Biomedicine
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Anemia in elders is an extremely common problem which results in which can be caused by mortality and morbidity, particularly in the elderly age group. At this age, it can be more devastating than youngsters. According to WHO study occurrence of anemia is 10.2% in women and 11% in men aged 65% or more. Approximately one-third of cases have anemia due to nutritional deficiency, one-third due to chronic inflammation and chronic kidney disease or both and one-third have unexplained anemia. Reduction of RBC production due to bone marrow suppression can also lead to anemia. This is seen in side effects of medication, myelodysplasia, and decreased bone marrow production associated with ageing. For all practical purposes diagnosis of anemia is diagnosed due to three parameters hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit value (Hct), and RBC count. Clinical symptoms of anemia can be fatigue, dizziness, tachycardia, dyspnoea, head and chest pain, cold hands and feet, restless leg syndrome, and tarry stools.
Keywords: Bone marrow, RBC count, hematocrit value, fatigue, dyspnoea, restless leg syndrome, tarry stools
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DOI: 2021.1103