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Editorial Board

Dr. Filippo Manelli
Director of Emergency Unit,
ASST Vallecamonica, Italy



Dr. Abyt Ibraimov
Head of Laboratory of Human Genetics
National Center of Cardiology & Internal Medicine, Kyrgyz Republic

Dr. Ahed J Alkhatib
Clinical researcher, Department of Forensic Science and Toxicology,
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan



Dr. Mahendra Pal
Founder & Director of Narayan Consultancy,
Veterinary Public Health and Microbiology, India

Dr. Sorush Nik Namian

Military Medicine Department,
Liberty University, USA

Dr. Musa Basheer

Clinical Researcher and Consultant-Diabetologist & Family Medicine,
Primary Health Care Corporation, Qatar



Dr. Abdolhassan Kazemi

Dean of Bio-Medical Ethics Department,
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran


Dr. S. M. Kadri

Head Disease Control (Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases)
Assistant Director, Directorate of Health Services (DHS), India

Dr. Majed Odeh

Chief, Department of Internal Medicine “A”
Bnai Zion Medical Center, Israel




Dr. Rajshree Dayanand Katke

Professor and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Grant Government Medical College And Sir J.J Group of Hospitals, India

Dr. Muhammad Akram
Directorate of Medical Sciences,
Government College University, Pakistan


Dr. Rabindra N. Das
Professor, Department of Statistics,
The University of Burdwan, India




Dr. Maria Sofia Bianca Cotelli
Byostatistic Master for Research and Scientific Publication,
University of Padova, Italy

Dr. Bright Thilagar

Clinical Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine,
Wayne State University, USA

Dr. Mamdouh Ibrahim Nassar

Professor, Biology- Entomology Department,
Cairo University, Egypt



Dr. Anil Batta

Professor and Head, Department of Medical Biochemistry
Govt. Medical College, India

Dr. Kabiul Haque

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine,
Louisiana State University Health System, USA

Dr. Rajeev Ramanlal Shah

Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology
Pacific Medical College & Hospital, India



Dr. Nure Mozammel Kiron,

Professor and Head of Physical Medicine & Acupuncture Department,
Gonoshasthay Community Based Medical College Hospital & Gono University, Bangladesh

Dr. Prangthip Charoenpong
Assistant Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Ochsner Louisiana State University Health Shreveport, LA, USA

Dr. Sanjay Prakash Dhangar

Urologist (Surgery (Urology))
SMBT Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, India



Dr. Omer Faruk Dogan

Head & Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery,
Hacettepe University, Turkey


Dr. Manoj Kumar Mishra
Director & Professor of Pharmacy,
Shambhunath Institute of Pharmacy, India

Dr. K Jayakumar
Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry,
PMS College of Dental Science and Research, India



Dr. Idress Hamad Attitalla
Professor, Department of Microbiology,

Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya


Dr. Natasha Singh

Chief Resident, Robert Wood Johnson,
Barnabas Health-Saint Barnabas Medical Center, USA

Dr. Vishal Shamrao Patil

Professor, HOD & Physician, Department of Kriya Sharir,
S. G. M. Ayurved Medical College, India



Dr. Kalaimani Elango

Non-invasive General Cardiologist
UNLV School of Medicine, USA

Dr. Suresh Babu Kondaveeti

Professor, Department of Biochemistry,
Symbiosis International University, India

Dr. Sachin Sinha

Professor, Department of Maxillo Facial Pathology & Microbiology,
Daswani Dental College & Research Center, India



Dr. H.C. Yashavantha Rao

Research Scientist, Division of Biological Sciences,
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), India

Dr. Yogendra Bhadoriya

Homeopathic Physician and Director,
Shyog Advanced Clinic and Research Centre, India

Dr. Devendra Kumar Awasthi

Associate Professor, Chemistry
Sri Jai Narain Misra Post Graduate College, India



Dr.Tina Priscilla.K

Associate Professor, Clinical Dermatology
Apollo institute of Medical Sciences and Research, India

Dr. Sanjay Bhatt

Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry,
S.R.M.S Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Dr. Raviraja Shetty G

Associate Professor and Head, Agricultural & Horticulture Research Station,
University of Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences, India



Dr. Biswaranjan Ray

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology,
Gayatri College of Pharmacy, India

Dr. Tamer A. Addissouky

MLS ASCP, PhD Biochemistry,
Menoufia University, Egypt

Dr. Alka Tangri

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry,
Brahmanand PG College, India



Dr. Satej T. Banne

Associate Professor, Parul Institute of Ayurved,
Parul University, India

Dr. Debarshi Kar Mahapatra
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Dadasaheb Balpande College of Pharmacy, India

Dr. Damien Vitiello

Associate Professor, Cardiovascular Physiology,
University of Paris, France




Dr. Aya Khalil Ibrahim Hassan Moussa

Assistant Professor, Biological Anthropology Department,
National Research Centre, Egypt.

Dr. Jestoni Dulva Maniago

Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing,
Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Rosa Lelyana’s

Professional Researcher, Medicine Faculty,
Diponegoro University, Indonesia



Dr. Nensi Vaibhav Gandhi

Assistant Professor & Placement Coordinator, Parul Institute of Physiotherapy,
Parul University, India.

Dr. Rahul Tiwari

Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon,
CLOVE Dental Hospitals, India

Dr. Jayesh P. Warade

Head of Laboratory, Consultant Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre, India



Dr. Kishorkumar K. Dholwani

Professor, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry,
Laxminarayan Dev College Of Pharmacy, India

Dr. Sudeep Solanki
Assistant Professor, Veterinary Microbiology,
Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, India

Dr. Noor Salman Kadhim AL-Khafaji

Lecturer, Department of Biology,
Babylon University, Iraq



Dr. Sirvan Zarei
Researcher, Deputy of Research and Technology,
Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Dr. Waseem Ahmed N
Consultant Physician and Diabetologist,
CRAFT Hospital and Research Centre, India

Dr. Sarbari Acharya

Assistant Professor of Life Sciences,
KIIT Deemed to be University, India

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Researcher develops successful Zika virus vaccine in preclinical studies

New approach to CAR T gene therapy yields efficient and longer-lasting response against HIV

Reinvigorating exhausted engineered CAR-T cells by giving them a break

Study identifies three clinical COVID-19 phenotypes

Prioritization of COVID-19 vaccines saves lives, reduces spread of infection

How brain cells repair their DNA reveals 'hot spots' of aging and disease

Study shows decline in subarachnoid hemorrhage hospitalizations during COVID-19 pandemic


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