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      <JournalTitle>Journal of International Medical Research and Health Sciences</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Volume 1 Issue 1</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>(Apr-Jun, 2021)</Season>
      <ArticleTitle>The perception on team based learning teaching method among physiotherapy and occupational therapy students</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>Background: Team-based learning (TBL) is a well-defined, student-centred instructional strategy that purportedly engages students in active learning and critical thinking. TBL makes students to prepare with information learned from completing clearly communicated, pre-class assignments to solve real-world problems in permanent, predetermined work teams. Objective: This study was developed in order to determine the perception on TBL among physiotherapy and occupational therapy students of school of physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Sample size was 60 with 30 students from each physiotherapy and occupational therapy group. Data collection was done after a TBL session on respiratory mechanisms. Data collection was done using three self-administered questionnaires. They are socio-demographic questionnaires, Team-Based Learning Subscale (TBLS) which assessed student’s preference on TBL and students satisfaction subscale (SSS) in which students feeling /attitudes on TBL was assessed. Results: Both TBLS and SSS showed positive responses. Results of TBLS recorded as 2.29%-3.91 % above the natural score 48 giving positive preference on TBL.SSS recorded as 15.07%-16.41% above the neutral score 27 giving positive feelings/attitudes on TBL among both physiotherapy and occupational therapy students groups. There was not any significant difference of TBLS and SSS (P value&gt; 0.05) in two groups. Further, there was a significant correlation (P value&lt; 0.05) between TBLS and SSS in occupational therapy student group and whole population but not in physiotherapy student group. Conclusion: There was a positive perception among physiotherapy and occupational therapy students on TBL with significant linear relationship among preference and attitudes/feeling in TBL.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Team based learning, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, socio-demographic, attitudes/feelings</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://jimrhs.com/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=13071&amp;title=The perception on team based learning teaching method among physiotherapy and occupational therapy students</Abstract>
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