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Author Guidelines

All researchers are invited to submit their original research article, reviews, short communication, commentaries, case-reports, book reviews, extended abstracts or extended version of previously published papers for review and publications. Before submitting papers at JIMRHS, the authors must ensure that their works is original and have never published anywhere. The author must be agreed upon the entire fraternity and adhere on originality and authenticity of their research work.


Article Categories

  • Original Articles: Original article is a full length report of data from original research. The word limits for Original research articles are starting from 3000 to 6000 and may even go up to 12,000 words. These require a significant investment of time.
  • Reviews: The critical analysis of existing published literature during the field, through summary, analysis, and comparison, often identifying specific gaps or problems and providing recommendations for future research. Review Articles are generally written by leaders of a particular discipline after invitation from the editors of a journal.
  • Case reports: In case reports author need to describe the clinical relevance or implications of the case. Reports of clinical cases will be educational, describe a diagnostic or therapeutic dilemma, suggest an association or present a crucial adverse reaction. All case report articles should indicate that consent to publish the knowledge has been granted from the patients or their guardians.
  • Commentaries: These are very short, focused, opinion articles on any subject within the scope of the journal. It relates to issues like recent research findings and usually written by opinion leaders.
  • Methodology articles: These articles generally present new experimental method, tests or procedures. The method described in methodology articles may be new or offer better version of an existing method.
  • Letter to the Editor: These are written in three different forms such as re-analysis of previously published article, article that not cover ‘standard research’ but may be relevant to readers, or significant response to re-analysis from the author of original articles.





Manuscripts must be written in good English and submitted via online tracking mode or via e-mail to Editorial office. Journal of International Medical Research and Health Sciences (JIMRHS) follows 21 day’s rapid peer review process. Timeline of processing from Submission to Publications is 45 days.



Manuscripts must be unpublished. The title page must include an abstract maximum 250 words, key words, and full contact information for all authors must be provided. References must strictly meet the journal’s style requirements.



Abstract should be written in brief and clearly mention the aims and findings/conclusions of the work; that should provide the reader clear idea of what has been achieved. The lengths of the abstract are limited to 250 words.



There should be maximum 6 keywords. These keywords should be different than the words/terms already used in the title of the paper and it will be used for indexing purposes.



Any word or words to be abbreviated should be written fully when first mentioned followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis.



All illustrations of any kind should be submitted as sequentially numbered figures, illustrations should be inserted within the main body of the text.


Article structure:

Subdivision of articles into unnumbered sections.

Articles should be clearly divided into defined sections. Each subsection is given a brief heading and heading should appear on its own separate line.



Define the objectives of the work and give an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey. The Introduction should show the importance of the study; aims of the study and clearly states the rationale behind the investigation.


Material and Methods:

Methods used should be briefly described with citing references and all important material used with the source can be mentioned. Substantially modified methods or new methods should be described in details. Published methods should be indicated by a reference and relevant modification should be described.


Tables and Supplementary Material:

Data must be kept to a minimum. Tables should be numbered and headed with short titles and a legend to make them self-explanatory. Make sure that these supplementary items should be cited in the text, they should insert in the main text.



All findings should be presented in graphical form or tabular are described in this section.  Results should be clear and concise. The level of significance should be stated and data should be statistically analysed.



Significance of the results should be explore, not repeat them. Highlight what is important, new, and different about your results. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. The combination of results and discussion should be appropriate. Discussion should deal with the interpretation the results and follow the results. How the discussion increase the current understanding of the problem. Unsupported hypothesis should be avoided.



Authors should appear the acknowledgements at the end of the text.


Formatting of funding sources:

List the funding sources in this standard way to facilitate consent to funder's requirements:

Funding: This work was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA [grant number xyzz]; the National Institutes of Health [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]; and the United States Institutes of Peace [grant number xxxx].Detailed descriptions on the program or type of grants and awards are not necessary to include. If funding is from a block grant or other resources available to a university, college, or other research institution then submit the name of the institute or organization that provided the funding.

If there is no funding provided for the research, please include the following sentence: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


Conflict of Interest:

A conflict of interest arises when the editor, reviewer, or author has any financial or personal interests that may affect the final decision-making process. The journal insists the author on submission to declare about the conflict of interest if any and expected to disclose this before publishing any article. The author should declare that the content or similar content submitted to the journal under his/her authorship is not submitted to any other journal, magazines for consideration or published.

If no conflict of interest exists for the research, please write the following sentence: The authors and planners have disclosed no potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.



References should be numbered consecutively in the order that they appear in the text and must be listed at the end of the manuscript. Every referred reference in the text must also present in the reference list and vice versa. Tables and figures can also be cited by the author apart from the text. Reference should be formatted in the National Library of Medicine style.



These should be numbered consecutively in the text.



At the end of paper.


Preparation of Case Reports

The case reports must meet all the criteria mention below:

The case report shall be one that is very unique, highly unusual, underreported in the literature and; Challenging diagnostic and therapeutic problem should be present in case report and; The case report must have important educational value including the ability to possibly change a clinician's traditional method of handling such a case and; The case report's interest to the reader should be significant.

Standard format for the article should be follow (Abstract, Key-words, Introduction, Case History, Discussion and References).


Withdrawal Policy/ Retraction of article

Withdrawal of the any article can be done within 7 days of submission. After the Peer Review process gets completed, then the author is liable to pay 40% of the publication fees if the author applies for retraction of their article.


Publication Charges


Manuscript Type

Standard APC

APC (Developing Countries)

Research, Case Report, Review

899 Euro

699 Euro

Mini Review, Short Communication, Commentary

699 Euro

499 Euro

Opinion, Editorial

199 Euro

99 Euro




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Researcher develops successful Zika virus vaccine in preclinical studies

New approach to CAR T gene therapy yields efficient and longer-lasting response against HIV

Reinvigorating exhausted engineered CAR-T cells by giving them a break

Study identifies three clinical COVID-19 phenotypes

Prioritization of COVID-19 vaccines saves lives, reduces spread of infection

How brain cells repair their DNA reveals 'hot spots' of aging and disease

Study shows decline in subarachnoid hemorrhage hospitalizations during COVID-19 pandemic


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