Pages: 7-15
Impact of Smokeless Tobacco use among the women’s health in the selected old town of Bangladesh
AE Noor, N Amin, MTH Chowdhury, TM Shanta
Category: Public Health
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Purpose: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to find out the impact of Smokeless Tobacco (SLT) use among the women’s health in the selected old town of Bangladesh. Methods: About 105 women using Smokeless Tobacco (SLT) were collected by a structured pretested face to face questionnaire under purposive sampling technique during April to June 2012. Data were presented in graphical and tabular pattern whereas analysis was done by SPSS (statistical package for the social sciences) version-17. Results: Among the 105 respondents, majority 63% were housewives and only 1.9% was service holder. The duration of using smokeless tobacco (SLT) with betel leaf was 48.4% who were using Sadapata for more than 10 years. In addition, 36.6%, 52.6%, 38.8% smokeless tobacco (SLT) uses Zarda, gul and khaini for 5 years. The reason behind using smokeless tobacco (SLT) was stated as fun by 40% respondents. Almost 68.6 % respondents think smokeless tobacco (SLT) do not cause any harm in the oral cavity while only 31.4 % stated smokeless tobacco (SLT) cause harm in the oral cavity. There was significant association between occupation and regular use of smokeless tobacco (SLT) (p < 0.05). Finally, among the smokeless tobacco (SLT)-Zarda was mostly used by the women which is harmful for general health and oral health. Conclusion: Finally considering the harmful impact with its consequences smokeless tobacco (SLT) use which was unfortunately unknown and unaware by the general population mostly women. It was reflected in my research about 63% user were housewives. So, it is necessary to implement a very strong comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system both national and international region to stop the use of smokeless tobacco by involving government, non-government policy makers immediately. Now it is the time to realize in a true sense by our local political personnel and government to make emergency step and making network system so that we can make slogan Banning of Smokeless Tobacco (SLT) at national and international level around the world.
Keywords: Smokeless Tobacco (SLT), Zarda, Gul, Sadapata, Khaini, Betel leaf
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DOI: 2021.1102